Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Education of Yogyakarta State University, Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY received a visit from Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Tidar University. In this meeting, discussions were held to discuss the curriculum, organization of academic activities, and establish further cooperation between the two parties.
Post date: 18/01/2023 - 09:57
Post date: 16/12/2022 - 23:02
The Mathematics Education Study Program of FMIPA UNY in 2020 has obtained International Accreditation and Certification (ASIIN and AUN-QA) and Superior Accreditation from BAN-PT in 2021. Therefore, for the third time the Inbound Visiting Professor (VP) activity in 2022 has been carried out by the Mathematics Education Study Program. After Dr. Jose Hanham from the School of Education Western Sydney University, Australia and Dr. Ouhao Chen from Loughborough University, United Kingdom (UK), the last VP activity was to bring Prof. Milton Rosa and Prof.
Post date: 14/12/2022 - 13:32
Four students from Musamus University Papua studied at the Mathematics Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY for 1 semester through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program. Each of the 4 students has the name Marselina Mite Wonga, Juliana Stefania Warayaan, Merlinda Merlin and Miftahul Intan. At this time, they were gathered together in order to participate in monitoring MBKM UNY students. The lecturer who attended and will monitor the students is Mr. Jarot Budiasto, M.T. from Musamus University.
Post date: 14/12/2022 - 13:10
The Mathematics Education Department of FMIPA UNY has a routine agenda to maintain and improve the quality of education, one of which is by conducting a workshop to review Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) and Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK). The implementation of this activity invited all lecturers who teach in mathematics education, mathematics, and statistics study programs.
Post date: 07/11/2022 - 02:30
Fifteen lecturers of the Mathematics Education Department of FMIPA UNY participated in the Competency Certification Test of LSP Professional Writers and Editors facilitated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY. Jurdikmat lecturers who participated were Dr. Ali Mahmudi, Kismiantini, Ph.D., Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom., Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., Wahyu Setyaningrum, Ph.D., Dr. Karyati, Ezra Putrananda Setiawan, M.Sc., Bambang Sumarno Hadi Marwoto, M.Kom, Heru Sukoco, M.Pd., Drs.
Post date: 21/10/2022 - 10:30
Lesson study is an activity where teachers together plan, observe, analyze, and improve their learning. Lesson study is a collaborative activity of a group of teachers to: (1) plan the steps of learning, (2) one of them practices the planned learning and the others observe the learning process, (3) evaluate the implemented learning, (4) improve the original planning, (5) practice it again, (6) re-evaluate the implemented learning, and (7) share experiences and findings from the evaluation results with other teachers.
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