Department of Mathematics Education UNY Successfully Organizes ISIMMED 2020
The world is currently trying to prepare for a new life post-Covid-19. This changes the way we live to adapt to the new environment in our daily activities and work. This change brings both opportunities and challenges for all of us, especially in the fields of mathematics and statistics.
Mathematics and statistics play an important role in the development of society. Under the conditions of this new era, humans change their behavior and social structure, giving rise to phenomena that are interesting to study from the point of view of mathematics and statistics. Changes in social structure related to the new era can also affect the education sector such as the organization of online classes, shifting teacher roles, learning and evaluation methods, and workspaces.
At the same time, in the era of society 5.0 (society 5.0) technologies such as big data, Internet of Things (loT), artificial intelligence (AI), and robots are merging in all sectors. Putting together the new normal rules in society 5.0, the issue is not only about coping with new technologies, but also preparing young people with skills to deal with the new environment.
Based on this, FMIPA Yogyakarta State University held the 4th International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (4th ISIMMED) on Thursday, October 15, 2020 virtually. ISIMMED 2020 takes the theme Rethinking the role of statistics, mathematics and education in society 5.0: Theory, Research, and practice.
ISIMMED 2020 presented three main speakers, namely Prof. Osval Antonio Montesinos Lopez, Ph.D from the University of Colima, Mexico, Brita Somerkoski, Ph.D from the University of Turku, Findland, and one of the FMIPA lecturers at Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Hartono. The seminar was attended by more than 150 participants from lecturers, teachers, students, practitioners, and researchers of Mathematics Education and Mathematics.
This seminar produced many ideas and solutions that emerged related to improving the quality of society through reforming the role of statistics, mathematics and mathematics education which were written in articles by more than 60 presenters published through the ISIMMED 2020 seminar proceedings. As a result of the establishment of a new era, there is an opportunity for us to engage in meaningful change. It is a time for us to learn to reflect and together support each other through these changes.
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