S-1 Mathematics Education and S-1 Mathematics Study Programs Achieved “Unggul” Predicate from BAN-PT
The S-1 Mathematics Education and S-1 Mathematics Study Programs at Yogyakarta State University have successfully obtained “unggul” accreditation from BAN-PT dated May 5, 2021. The acquisition of the “unggul” status is also a proof of the quality and achievements of the two study programs under the Department of Mathematics Education, FMIPA UNY in advancing education and producing superior human resources.
The “unggul” status that has been achieved will certainly be used as a spirit in carrying out academic tasks and used as an evaluation material to continue to improve the quality of service and service to the community, nation and state. Through maximum service, the implementation of the “unggul” status can be realized properly and truly benefit all so that it does not become a predicate without meaning and proof.
Please note that the “unggul” predicate is the highest predicate in the current accreditation system. To obtain this predicate requires special requirements and a long time and extraordinary struggle from all the academic community in it. However, it can be prepared and passed well thanks to the cohesiveness and totality of efforts from the extended family of the Mathematics Education Department.
One of the supporting factors in achieving “superior” accreditation is the international accreditation that was achieved in 2020. With the international accreditation and superior predicate that has been achieved, the Mathematics Education Study Program has been able to achieve this accreditation. (Tim_Sy)
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