Webinar Series #2 “STEM Mathematics Learning and Computational Thinking” went smoothly and successfully
The Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University held another successful webinar. Webinar Series #2 raised the theme of STEM Mathematics Learning and Computational Thinking which was held on Saturday, May 29, 2021 with three speakers, namely 2 speakers from lecturers and 1 speaker from practitioners. Dr. Ali Mahmudi as the 1st speaker presented material on Five Important Ideas in Mathematics Learning, the 2nd speaker presented material on STEM Learning: Practices and Challenges delivered by practitioners, namely Mrs. Pasttita Ayu Laksmiwati, M.Pd and the 3rd resource person Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si presented material on Computational Thinking: Concepts and Implementation.
Webinar participants who registered via G-Form were 1147 while those who entered the telegram group were 787 participants from 34 provinces in Indonesia from ACEH to PAPUA. This seminar was opened directly by the Head of the Mathematics Education Department FMIPA UNY and guided by the moderator Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, M.Pd. The Head of the department in his remarks said that this webinar series is part of the department's way to spread goodness and benefits to the community (teachers, lecturers, practitioners and students) by sharing knowledge according to the fields and expertise of Mathematics education lecturers who are divided into Research Groups, he also reinforced that after Webinar Series #2 there will be Webinar Series #3 which will raise the theme of Mathematics Learning Assessment during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
The webinar was held by utilizing the Zoom application and streaming Youtube. This webinar is expected to accommodate and provide an overview of solutions that can be applied by teachers/lecturers in learning STEM and Computational Thinking. The participants were very enthusiastic and committed to participating in Webinar Series #3 which, God willing, will be held in June 2021. The webinar was closed by giving door prizes to 5 lucky participants who could answer challenges in the form of questions from the resource persons and the Coordinator of the S-1 Mathematics Education Study Program at FMIPA UNY. (Tim-Sy)
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