Pandemic period is not an obstacle: Microteaching is still carried out

Microteaching in the pandemic era for Mathematics Education Study Program students class of 2018 in the even semester 2020/2021 is still well implemented. Learning is carried out virtually through google meet or zoom. The choice of a virtual platform is to avoid the spread of the covid virus, besides that, students also learn to apply technology in learning mathematics, and learn to adapt to the learning environment according to world developments.
Micro learning is an important course for prospective teachers. Micro learning facilitates students to develop competencies, prepare lesson plans (RPP), and apply them on a small scale, where the allocation of learning time is 25 minutes and the students are peers in the class.
Micro-learning in the Mathematics Education Study Program is carried out by dividing students into groups of 7-9 students guided by 2 mathematics education lecturers. 3 cycles of learning practice were carried out plus 1 final practice as an exam / assessment. Students can practice teaching with the virtual face-to-face method twice and practice compiling learning videos once. Students received feedback, comments, and guidance from the lecturers to improve the quality of their practice. Learning videos of Mathematics Education Study Program students can be accessed on the youtube channel math_education_uny ( ). Alhamdulilah, through micro-learning, although not with direct face-to-face meetings, students can develop teaching competencies well. (Tim-Sy)
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