XXVIII Mathematics Competition and Seminar (LSM) 2020 Runs Smoothly according to Target

Mathematics Competition and Seminar (LSM) is a routine agenda organized annually by the Mathematics Education Department Student Association of FMIPA UNY. This year, LSM entered its 28th year. Based on the need for information and knowledge related to the development of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. This year's LSM raised the seminar theme “The Role of Mathematics and Mathematics Education to Optimize Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in the Era of Digital Technology.” In addition to the National Seminar, there are also a series of events such as national mathematics competitions for junior high school, high school, and university students with the theme “Optimizing the Future with Mathematics.”

Saturday, March 7, 2020 This National Seminar was attended by more than 200 presenters and non-presenters. Seminar participants were observers, experts, researchers, lecturers, teachers and students of mathematics and mathematics education from various institutions. This event was accompanied by the Rector, Dean, Head of the Mathematics Education Department and Study Program, Head of the Mathematics and Statistics Study Program, Head of the Mathematics Education Department Student Association FMIPA UNY. And two important speakers in the development of Mathematics Education in the era of digital technology. The two speakers were Mrs. Rustika Helambang and Mrs. Sri Andayani with Mr. Rully Charitas.

The event began at 08:00 with the opening of the Master Ceremony from the Mathematics Education Department Students of the Faculty of Mathematics, Yogyakarta State University, namely brother Fachrur Rozi class of 2019 and sister Andini Jihan Ningrum class of 2019. And continued with Tilawah Qur'an chanted by brother Syaifullah Yusuf, Chair of the FMIPA UNY Student Association. After that, all participants of the National Seminar stood up when singing Indonesia Raya which was enlivened by Padus Himatika FMIPA UNY. Furthermore, remarks and reports from student Genta Maulana Mustofa as chairman of the XXVIII NGO seminar committee. In his speech, Genta Maulana Mustofa thanked for the support from various parties so that the committee could carry out this XXVIII LSM and reported some related to the conception of the competition in this year's LSM. The next speech was from Mr. Ariyadi as the Head of the Department and finally the speech and opening of the National Seminar by Mr. Ali Mahmudi as WD for Student Affairs and Alumni.

LSM XXVIII was filled by Mrs. Rustika Helambang who explained about Big Data and Real-Timr Data according to the level of netizen response and Mrs. Sri Andayani with Mr. Rully Charitas as the second speaker who discussed the role of Mathematics in AI and Big Data Writing Trends for Mathematics Education in the National Seminar event held at Digilib Lt. 4, Yogyakarta State University.

In addition to the National Seminar held, another series of XXVIII LSM activities is the Mathematics Competition for Junior High School, High School, and Students with the theme “Optimizing the Future with Mathematics.”

On February 22, 2020, the preliminary rounds simultaneously in 12 regions, namely Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Purwokerto, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Bali, Banjarmasin, and Makassar have been carried out well.

The preliminary round was attended by 838 junior and senior high school participants who will be selected 50 participants to take part in the semifinals and finals on March 7, 2020, and for 147 Student Competition teams, 15 teams will be selected to take part in the semifinals and finals on March 7, 2020 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University.

Saturday, March 7, 2020 at the seminar room FMIPA UNY. At 07:30 after re-registration, the semifinal and final rounds were opened with remarks from Mrs. Syarifah Inayati as the Supervisor and sister Firdah Nur Aeni as the Head of the Mathematics Competition. The competition took place according to the concept of the XXVIII LSM conceptor. (Tim_Sy)

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