Jurdikmat lecturers take the LSP Professional Writer and Editor Competency Certification Test
Fifteen lecturers of the Mathematics Education Department of FMIPA UNY participated in the Competency Certification Test of LSP Professional Writers and Editors facilitated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY. Jurdikmat lecturers who participated were Dr. Ali Mahmudi, Kismiantini, Ph.D., Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom., Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., Wahyu Setyaningrum, Ph.D., Dr. Karyati, Ezra Putrananda Setiawan, M.Sc., Bambang Sumarno Hadi Marwoto, M.Kom, Heru Sukoco, M.Pd., Drs. Sahid, M.Sc., Kuswari Hernawati, Mkom., Rosita Kusumawati, M.Sc., and Husna Arifah, M.Si. The 15 jurdikmat lecturers are divided into two schemes, namely the script editing scheme and the substantive editing scheme.
This certification test begins with training which is carried out online via zoom on Thursday, November 3, 2022 and offline which is held in the Grand Mercure Hotel Ballroom Yogyakarta on Friday, November 4, 2022 and ends with a competency test scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2022 and Monday, November 7, 2022. The resource person for this training was Mrs. Epik Finilih from LSP Professional Writers and Editors (LSP PEP). LSP PEP is the first and still the only LSP organizing certification for nonfiction book writers and editors. Implementation in Indonesia.
Vice Dean 1 FMIPA UNY Prof. Jaslin Ikhsan, Ph.D. who officially opened the activity said the importance of implementing the Competency Certification Test of LSP Professional Writers and Editors for lecturers because this will support the implementation of the tridarma of higher education, namely education, research and community service. The education aspect can be implemented by writing reference books, textbooks, modules and others. Meanwhile, in the aspects of research and service, it is also important to support the achievement of research outputs in the form of book products, IPR and scientific publications in reputable national and international journals and to support increasing competence as editors and reviewers of scientific journals. This certification will also require writing and publishing to be carried out by competent personnel.
Through the implementation of the Certification of Book Authors and Editors, it is hoped that it can increase the quantity of certified (BNSP licensed) book authors, editors, and reviewers at FMIPA UNY so as to support progress and increase competitiveness in achieving UNY's main performance indicators. In addition, this training and certification test is expected to be one of the events that initiate other events that are truly solutive and innovative in various situations and conditions in order to realize efforts in building the nation and state. (Sy Team)
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