Microteaching debriefing to improve students' abilities in the learning process and professional prospective teachers.
This weekend in January is the first week in the implementation of new semester lectures for the 2022/2023 academic year at Yogyakarta State University. Likewise with the implementation of the inaugural Microteaching lecture in the Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA, which was attended by all classes of class 2020. This inaugural meeting was held classically / offline, using the seminar room starting at 07.30 WIB.
Mrs. Endah Retnowati, as the lecturer of Microteaching course, gave directions and initial materials before the implementation of microteaching practice was held. The lecture activities began by providing material about the potential of mathematics teachers in the future and explaining the criteria for ideal and professional teachers through TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge). Ibu Endah explained that today's students as prospective teachers must have broad knowledge, not only in terms of mathematics content and pedagogy, but also must master the technology that will be used in learning. She emphasized that with the breadth of knowledge possessed by teachers, it is hoped that when teaching in the classroom later a teacher can manage learning effectively and have the ability to maximize the potential of each student in the classroom.
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