On Saturday, September 09, 2023, the community service program of the Mathematics Education Study Program of UNY and Indonesian Jeddah School (SIJ) was held again. The community service agenda moderated by Nila Mareta Murdiyani, S.Pd., M.Sc. is entitled “TPACK Development of Indonesian Jeddah School Teachers through Learning Media Training Oriented to Literacy and Numeracy Skills”. There are four areas of discussion that are quite in-depth, namely literacy/numeracy learning media, Quizizz tutorials, tutorials, and parallel discussions about literacy and numeracy learning.
The first material, namely literacy and numeracy learning media, was presented by Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D who is also an expert on Cognitive Load Theory in Indonesia. She conveyed the urgency of students' understanding of the importance of literacy and numeracy. This has an impact on students' ability to solve problems, make decisions, produce creations, and become a generation that protects the environment in a sustainable manner. In addition, the method of learning according to Ki Hajar Dewantara in Javanese was also explained, namely Niteni (Observing), Nirokke (Reconstruction of observations) and Nambahi (Exploration process into new experiences). These methods can be used as a guideline to create learning media.
The second material was presented by Yanuar. H, M.Pd., which is a tutorial on making assessments using quizizz. Quizizz can make it easier for teachers to give tests, practice questions, and/or quizzes to students with an attractive layout. He described each menu and assisted teachers in practicing using the quizizz platform.
Pratama Wahyu. P., M.Pd. continued the tutorial after the quizizz material. The material presented was a tutorial on making digital LKPD using an online platform, namely Liveworksheet has several advantages for the learning process. This platform makes learning media more interactive. In addition, this platform can provide automatic assessments which will certainly make it easier for teachers to review the abilities of students. It is unfortunate that the material provided is only 30 minutes. This has an impact on the lack of in-depth study and practice of each feature provided by the platform.
The next agenda was a presentation by PKM student interns related to literacy and numeracy learning media. In order to run the agenda more effectively, the zoom room was breakaout into 4 rooms. Each room consists of two students who will present with the guidance of one lecturer in explaining the learning media that has been prepared. Participants are allowed to share or discuss in the zoom room.
This activity, which was carried out twice, showed the enthusiasm and activeness of the participants during the activity. This was indicated by the many questions and exciting discussions with the speakers of this activity. (MA)
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