PkM and cooperation of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY with MGMP of Mathematics for SMP at Gunung Kidul Regency

Lecturers cannot be separated from the obligation of community service. Thursday, September 14, 2023, the PKM (Community Service) team led by Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, M.Pd., conducted community service as well as collaboration with MGMP of Mathematics for SMP in Gunung Kidul. The theme raised was “Training on Research Instrument Preparation for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Gunung Kidul Regency”.
This training was opened by Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si. as the study program coordinator for S2 and S3 of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY. In addition, the chairman of Mathematics MGMP for SMP in Gunung Kidul Regency, Mr. Sulistyana, M.Pd. and the Principal of SMP N 1 Wonosari, Mr. Agus Maryanto, M.Pd. as the host of the meeting were also present.
The resource persons in the workshop consisted of four experts, namely Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si., Dr. Ali Mahmudi, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, Nila Maretta, S.Pd., M.Sc. The activity started at 08:00 WIB and ended at 12:30 WIB. Each resource person provides interrelated material to improve the ability of teachers to develop research instruments. In addition to the instrument, it was also explained how to compile the assessment rubric. In more detail, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, S.Pd., M.Pd., provided material on research instruments in educational research and how to determine the quality of research instruments. Dr. Nila Maretta, M.Sc., elaborated on how to compile affective aspect instruments. Dr. Ali Mahmudi, M.Pd. provided training on how to develop HOTS level mathematics test instruments. Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si. explained about the preparation of junior high school mathematics problem solving test instruments along with the assessment rubric.
2 Master students and 3 Doctoral students also participated in this service activity. The activity was interactive and also raised the desire of workshop participants to ask questions. Ample time made the resource person able to invite workshop participants to a more in-depth and satisfying discussion. The total workshop duration was 32 meeting hours. This included both theory and practicum. This instrument making training was attended by more than 25 mathematics teachers from Gunung Kidul district (PW).
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