Webinar Series 6 Mathematics Education: Efforts to Contribute during the Pandemic
The Mathematics Education Study Program at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held a webinar series as a form of contribution to the world of education during the pandemic. This is adjusted to the conditions during the co-19 pandemic which require attention and solutions from academics, observers, and all parties who have a role in the field of education. Webinar series #6 was successfully held on September 11, 2021 as a closing series of webinar implementations that have been planned in 2021.
In webinar series #6, the theme was Mathematics Learning Innovation by presenting three resource persons who are experts in their fields. There are three sub-themes presented by each resource person, namely Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. (UNY lecturer) who explained the theme of Mathematics Learning Innovation through Cultural Context, Dr. Sri Wulandari Danoebroto, M.Pd (Practitioner / Widyaswara P4TK Mathematics) explained the theme of Mathematics Learning Innovation through Mathematical Literacy, and Dr. Isrok'atun, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd. who explained the theme of Mathematics Learning Innovation through Situation Based-Learning.
Through the webinar series, UNY Mathematics Education Study Program prepares a variety of materials that can be used as a reference in determining learning solutions during a pandemic. Starting from the preparation of interesting material, effective learning techniques or practices to evaluation models that can be implemented in the field.
The first webinar series was held on Saturday, April 10, 2021 with the theme “Psychology of Mathematics Learning in the Covid-19 Era”. The event was even attended by 460 participants from various backgrounds, namely students, teachers, lecturers, and education practitioners from various institutions.
In one of the webinar sessions, the resource person explained that the virtual or online learning conditions organized by the average school throughout Indonesia will certainly greatly impact the psychological conditions of students so that there is a need for learning media that can facilitate students to learn optimally. The innovation is expected to at least reduce boredom when they have to constantly deal with computers or other similar media.
“21st Century STEM and Computational Mathematics Learning” was the theme discussed in the second webinar. This theme was presented very interestingly by resource persons who are experts in their fields. In addition, this second webinar was attended by more than 1000 participants through Zoom, Live Youtube, and also Live Instagram which had been provided by the committee.
The themes presented in each webinar have basically been adjusted in order to be easily understood and applied by participants. After going through the stages of understanding psychology and types or interesting learning models that can be used as solutions, the next webinar material is filled with material, ranging from solutions to mathematics learning assessments in the pandemic era, reflections on professional mathematics teachers, practical and current mathematics learning media, and the last theme, namely mathematics learning innovations that have just been held (11/9).
The series of webinar series activities were filled by presenters who are experts in their fields. Among them, namely Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Heri Retnawati, Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D., Dr. Djamilah Bondan Widjayanti, Dr. Ali Mahmudi, Dr. Roesnawati, and others who are UNY lecturers. In addition, the speakers also came from practitioners including from P4TK Mathematics, outstanding teachers, LPMP, and lecturers from outside UNY. The collaboration of all parties is needed so that the materials presented can be tailored to the needs in the field as well as representatives of various parties, especially those interested in education.
Basically, the implementation of this webinar series is expected to be one of the contributions of the UNY Mathematics Education Study Program as well as a useful solution for all circles, especially in the world of education. In addition, this webinar series is expected to be one of the events that initiates other events that are truly solutive and innovative in various situations and conditions in order to realize efforts in building the nation and state. (Tim Sy)
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