UNY Mathematics Education Successfully Organizes Webinar Series #4
The Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University held another webinar series. This webinar series #4 has the theme Reflection: Professional Mathematics Teachers which was held on Saturday, July 17, 2021 which presented 3 resource persons, namely 2 resource persons from practitioners and 1 resource person from lecturers. Dr. Wirman Kasmayanti, S.Pd., M.Si. as the 1st resource person presented material on Sustainable Competency Development. No less interesting was the material about the Competency Model in Teacher Professional Development delivered by the 2nd resource person, Wahid Yunianto, M.Sc., MA. and Dr. R. Rosnawati as the 3rd resource person who delivered the material for the UNY Mathematics Teacher Professional Program Curriculum.
Participants in webinar series #4 are alumni and active students of the UNY Mathematics Education department at the undergraduate and undergraduate levels. This webinar was opened directly by the coordinator of the S-1 Mathematics Education study program, namely Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D. and guided by the moderator. in her remarks, the coordinator of the study program said that insights related to professional teachers would be very useful, especially for mathematics education students to determine their future careers after graduating from college In addition, she also said that after webinar series #4 there will be webinar series #5 which raises the theme of Mathematics Learning Media : Practical and Current.
Webinars are held by utilizing the zoom application, streaming YouTube, and live Instagram. The presence of this webinar is expected to increase knowledge for alumni and students as well as provide an overview of how to become a professional mathematics teacher. Lucky webinar participants get attractive door prizes from the committee. To get the door prize, webinar participants must take a quiz through quizziz and answer the questions correctly. Three participants with the highest score received attractive prizes from the committee. The webinar was closed with an impression and message session from UNY Mathematics Education alumni related to the learning that had been obtained during the lecture period. (Tim-Sy)
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