Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Education of Yogyakarta State University, Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY received a visit from Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Tidar University. In this meeting, discussions were held to discuss the curriculum, organization of academic activities, and establish further cooperation between the two parties.

The event was held in the 2nd Floor Seminar Room of FMIPA UNY. The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Ariswan, M.Si. as the Dean of FMIPA UNY, Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom as the Head of Mathematics Education Department FMIPA UNY, Endah Retnowati, Ph.D as the Head of S1 Mathematics Education  Study Program FMIPA UNY. The event was also attended by lecturers from each study program.

At the event Prof. Dr. Ariswan, M.Si. delivered a speech, “It is an honor for us, the family of FMIPA UNY, to welcome and establish friendship and cooperation with Universitas Tidar Magelang through this activity. Let us collaborate together in the field of education and research.” In the overall discussion that has been carried out is sharing about programs that have been carried out or are currently running from each study program. The students from each study program also keep in touch through the Student Association, in order to gain knowledge and experience from student activities that have been carried out. The activity ended by visiting various facilities available, such as microteaching rooms, computer labs, as well as laboratories and workshops for mathematics learning aids.