Successful Webinar Series Event #4

The Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY organizes a webinar series which is held every month. Saturday, August 6, 2022, Webinar Series #4 was held with the theme “Mathematics Learning Media” which presented resource persons in their fields. This event was opened by Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D who said that with the existence of Webinar Series #4, it is hoped that it will review the fundamental importance of mathematics learning media, namely to help students understand mathematical knowledge. This event was moderated by Mr. Sahid, M.Sc which was carried out smoothly and successfully.
Webinar Series #4 presented two speakers, with the first speaker, Mr. Elang Krisnadi, M.Pd as a lecturer / researcher in Mathematics Education at the Open University who presented the topic “Learning Media as a Bridge for Students' Abstraction Process in Mathematics Learning”. The second speaker was Mr. Murdanu, M.Pd as a lecturer/researcher of Mathematics Education UNY who presented the topic “Practical Mathematics Learning Media”. Then, three UNY Mathematics Education students, namely Ika Surtini, Muqit Virdaus and Irfan Hilmi demonstrated the work of learning media that can add other options in the use of learning media for educational practitioners in delivering mathematics learning, including Geogebra, Google Site,, and Goal-Free Problems.This activity is carried out virtually through the zoom application and live broadcasts on YouTube and Instagram accounts, namely math_education_uny. Lecturers, teachers, students and media developers also attended Webinar Series #4. From the presentation of the material, it is hoped that it will bring benefits to prospective teacher students, teacher activists, educational practitioners, or academics so that they can use and produce creative and appropriate mathematics learning media.
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