Jurdikmat PPM Team conducts Classroom Action Research and Scientific Publication Training for Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Gunung Kidul Regency.
Community Service (PPM) is one part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which must be carried out by each lecturer in their respective work units. To realize this PPM, four lecturers from the Department of Mathematics Education who are members of PPM Group 4 provide free training to MGMP Mathematics SMP Gunung Kidul Regency. This year's PPM theme is focused on providing Classroom Action Research and Scientific Publication Training for Junior High School Teachers which was held on September 15, 2022 at SMPN 1 Playen.
The theme selection is based on the needs of local mathematics teachers in promotion, many teachers are constrained in writing scientific papers, especially teachers who are already class IV, especially in Gunung Kidul Regency. PPM was opened directly by the Vice Dean 3 FMIPA UNY who represented the Dean of FMIPA UNY as well as being a resource person at the training that was carried out. After the opening, the activity was followed by the first material delivered by Prof. Dr. Sugiman, M.Si related to problems in mathematics learning that can be raised into class action research, followed by the second material, namely Mr. Dr. Ali Mahmudi who provided material on writing action research proposals and continued with a discussion session. The next stage material is Writing research articles delivered by Mrs. Nila Mareta, M.Sc. and ended by Mr. Dr. Syukrul Hamdi with the material “designing Publication of articles that have been prepared and the choice of journals or places of publication.
The PPM was closed by signing a proof of cooperation between the Mathematics Education Study Program of UNY and MGMP Mathematics SMP Gunung Kidul Regency and SMPN 1 Playen. Through this training, teachers are expected to be facilitated, especially in preparing research proposals to the implementation and publication of research results. Teachers who participated in the training also felt very helpful and hoped that if there were follow-up activities from the training provided to be further assisted in preparing PTK and articles for publication of scientific papers, further Mr. Sulistiyana, M.Pd as the head of MGMP hoped to continue to be involved in similar activities. Therefore, the Department of Mathematics Education UNY is committed to being able to carry out similar PPM activities in the following years even with themes that are more interesting and needed by mathematics teachers in DIY and surrounding areas. (Tim-Sy)
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