
Difficult Thesis is Normal

On March 4, 2023, a Saturday morning in early March, the workshop to accelerate the preparation of the thesis as an effort to achieve the ideal study period for Mathematics Education class of 2020 reached its peak. This workshop presented speakers who focused on providing material related to searching for references, synthesizing, and motivational strategies for completing the thesis. The first speaker, Mrs. Wahyu Setyaningrum S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., started the first session at 07:00 WIB.

Skripsi Sulit itu Biasa

Pada 4 Maret 2023, Sabtu pagi di awal bulan Maret, workshop percepatan penyusunan skripsi sebagai upaya mencapai masa studi ideal untuk Pendidikan Matematika angkatan 2020 mencapai puncaknya. Workshop kali ini menghadirkan pembicara yang berfokus dalam memberikan materi terkait menelusuri referensi, melakukan sintesis, dan strategi motivasi menyelesaikan skripsi. Pembicara pertama yakni Ibu Wahyu Setyaningrum S.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., memulai sesi pertama pada pukul 07:00 WIB.

Maxima Workshop: Joint Activity of Expertise Group Mathematics Study Program

The Expertise Group (KBK) from the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (UNY) on 2 - 3 October 2019 conducted the Maxima a Computer Algebra System Workshop. This activity was carried out because of the joint KBK, namely KBK analysis and geometry, KBK algebra, KBK biological mathematics, KBK computer, KBK Statistics, KBK Financial Mathematics, and KBK applied analysis.

Workshop Maxima: Kegiatan Joint KBK Prodi Matematika

Kelompok Bidang Keahlian (KBK) dari Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) pada tanggal 2 – 3 Oktober 2019 melaksanakan Workshop Maxima a Computer Algebra System. Kegiatan ini terlaksana karena adanya joint KBK, yaitu KBK analisis dan geometri, KBK aljabar, KBK matematika biologi, KBK computer, KBK Statistika, KBK Matematika Keuangan, dan KBK analisis terapan. Pembicara pada workshop ini adalah Prof.

Prof. Barry Kissane: Calculator in Mathematics Learning

Prof. Barry Kissane is a calculator-assisted mathematics learning expert from Murdoch University, Australia. There are two kinds of calculators that he delivered at the "GUEST LECTURING" program on 1-2 October 2019 at the Mathematics Education Study Program of UNY, namely the offline and online versions of calculators. The event was packaged in the form of a calculator practice practice workshop in mathematics learning which was attended by lecturers and students of the Mathematics Education study program at UNY.