Apakah Mahasiswa Sudah Konsultasi ke Penasehat Akademik?

Penasehat Akademik (PA) adalah dosen yang menjadi wali bagi mahasiswa untuk memberikan bimbingan, arahan, atau nasihat terkait dengan kegiatan akademik agar mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan studi tepat waktu dengan prestasi akademik yang tinggi. Setiap tahun, mahasiswa dijadwalkan berkonsultasi kepada PA paling tidak sebanyak empat kali, khususnya dalam rangka pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS).

Has the student consulted the academic advisor?

Academic Advisor (PA) is a lecturer who becomes a guardian for students to provide guidance, direction, or advice related to academic activities so that students can complete their studies on time with high academic achievement. Every year, students are scheduled to consult PA at least four times, especially in the context of filling out the Study Plan Card (KRS). In this consultation, PA and students both see the results of the study, evaluate, conduct dialog, and plan follow-up study plans.

Lecture Series 6_Pengenalan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika

Lecture Series 6 merupakan series terakhir dari kuliah praktisi yang dilaksanakan oleh Proram Studi Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY. Kuliah praktisi tersebut dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021 dari pukul 13.00 sampai pukul 15.00 WIB. Topik yang diangkat, yaitu “Pengenalan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika”.

Lecture Series 6_Introduction to Augmented Reality as a Math Learning Media

Lecture Series 6 is the last series of practitioner lectures held by the Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY. The practitioner lecture was held on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 13.00 to 15.00 WIB. The topic raised, namely “Introduction to Augmented Reality as a Mathematics Learning Media”. The final activity of the practitioner lecture was successfully carried out by utilizing the zoom application and streaming YouTube, just like the previous lecture series.

Kajian Komprehensif Matematika Nonrutin dibahas pada Lecture Series #5

Kegiatan kuliah bersama praktisi series 5 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY telah sukses dilaksanakan pada sabtu 11 Desember 2021 dari pukul 09.00-11.00 WIB. Pada kesempatan ini, kuliah bersama praktisi series 5 menghadirkan Bapak Anton Rusnanto,S.Pd.,M.Si yang merupakan praktisi dari SMPK 4 Penabur Jakarta dengan topik kajian “Matematika Nonrutin”. Kuliah bersama praktisi ini dimoderatori oleh Bapak Heru Sukoco,M.Pd.

Comprehensive Study of Nonroutine Mathematics discussed in Lecture Series #5

The lecture with practitioners series 5 organized by Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY was successfully held on Saturday 11 December 2021 from 09.00-11.00 WIB. On this occasion, the lecture with practitioners series 5 presented Mr. Anton Rusnanto, S.Pd., M.Si who is a practitioner from SMPK 4 Penabur Jakarta with the topic of study “Nonroutine Mathematics”. This joint lecture with practitioners was moderated by Mr. Heru Sukoco, M.Pd.

Lecture Series 1 berjalan sukses dengan menghadirkan praktisi dari guru penggerak

Kuliah Bersama Praktisi perdana telah sukses dilaksanakan pada Senin, 6 Desember 2021 yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY dengan topik “Guru Matematika Penggerak Implementasi Prototype Kurikulum” dimoderatori oleh Dr. Syakrul Hamdi, M.Pd.

Lecture Series 1 was a success by presenting practitioners from driving teachers

The first Practitioner Joint Lecture was successfully held on Monday, December 6, 2021, organized by the Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY with the topic “Mathematics Teachers Driving the Implementation of the Prototype Curriculum” moderated by Dr. Syakrul Hamdi, M.Pd. The Joint Lecture with Practitioners was immediately opened by the Coordinator of the Mathematics Education S-1 Study Program, Mrs.

Pandemic period is not an obstacle: Microteaching is still carried out

Microteaching in the pandemic era for Mathematics Education Study Program students class of 2018 in the even semester 2020/2021 is still well implemented. Learning is carried out virtually through google meet or zoom. The choice of a virtual platform is to avoid the spread of the covid virus, besides that, students also learn to apply technology in learning mathematics, and learn to adapt to the learning environment according to world developments.