Webinar 2023 Series#2_Interactive Math Learning Media of Merdeka Curriculum

Students often experience difficulties during the math learning process at school. This is partly due to the lack of teachers in maximizing the use of learning media. Teachers tend to make simple learning media, as a result the learning process is less interactive. The development of digital/virtual mathematics learning media as interactive media in the form of web-based virtual representation is still rarely known by the majority of mathematics teachers. In order to bridge this gap, the Mathematics Education Study Program at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held a webinar series # 2.
This webinar event is open to the public, especially students and mathematics teachers on May 20, 2023. There were three speakers, namely Fadjar Noer Hidayat, S.Si., M.Ed., Nur Hadi Wuryanto, M.Eng., and Sahid, M.Sc. Today's webinar was opened by Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D as the study program coordinator of S1 Mathematics Education as well as giving a speech. She said that the mathematics education study program will conduct webinars 6 times in 2023 which are carried out by a research group team consisting of lecturers who are divided into groups. In addition, each webinar series will be attended by mathematics education practitioners.
The series#2 webinar has the theme “Interactive Mathematics Learning Media for the Merdeka Curriculum” which is very relevant for both students and lecturers and teachers. This event was moderated by a UNY mathematics education lecturer, namely Wahyu Setyaningrum, Ph.D. The first speaker was delivered by a practitioner, Fajar Noer Hidayat, S.Si., M.Ed with the title “Utilization of Digital Media in Mathematics Learning”. He delivered material on the understanding of mathematics learning media and mathematics learning models. Some of the programs made by him are rupture functions, contextual graphs of trigonometric functions, interactive mathematics CDs. There are several applications and websites related to math learning such as quick flash, zapzapmath, geogebra, desmos, mathigon and programming at BBGP DIY.
The second speaker, Mr. Nur Hadi Wuryanto, M.Eng, gave material with the title “GPT Chat Phenomenon in Education: As a Media to Educate or Otherwise”. He said that GPT chat in the current era is very widespread for students in finding references. We must respond well to Open AI Chat GPT because it greatly affects intellectual integrity. There are two sides to the use of Chat GPT both in terms of advantages and disadvantages. It would be nice if users had to make the best use of it and filter the answers received.
The third session of the webinar describes material related to “Dynamic Geometry Software”. This session was accompanied by Mr. Sahid, M.Sc. He said that this material is more practical using programming software so that visualization students can understand the material well. There are many software used in geometry visualization such as cabri geometry, commpas and ruler (C.a.R), CaRMetal, KSEG (software), cinderella (software), DRGeo, raumgeometrie.de, geocentral and cindyjs. All software can be accessed on Google for free.
Before entering the question and answer session, the committee invited ice breaking in the form of a quiz. Participants who enter the 3 highest score categories will get attractive door prizes. Each webinar participant is very proactive when responding to questions from the speaker and asking questions. There were many questions from participants, but only three questioners were taken due to the limited time of the question and answer session. This webinar series # 2 is expected to be able to apply mathematics learning media in schools. (MA)
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