Webinar 2023 Series#1_Curriculum Design and Mathematics Learning
Indonesia is transitioning from the 2013 curriculum to the merdeka curriculum. Several aspects of the curriculum have changed which may confuse teachers and prospective teachers, especially in the field of mathematics education. In order to bridge this, the Mathematics Education Study Program at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) held a webinar series.
This webinar event is open to the public, especially students and mathematics teachers on March 18, 2023. There were two resource persons who assisted, namely Dr. Syukrul Hamdi and Yuli Kurniyawati, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd. The webinar began with remarks by the Study Program Coordinator of Mathematics Education, Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D and continued with remarks by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Jaslin Ikhsan, M.App.Sc., Ph.D who also opened the Mathematics Education webinar series.
The theme of this webinar series # 1 is “Curriculum Design and Mathematics Learning”. The event was moderated by a UNY Mathematics Education lecturer, Mrs. Nila Mareta, S.Pd., M.Sc. The first speaker was one of the research group members, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi. He delivered material on the guidelines for implementing merdeka curriculum, the basic framework of the curriculum, learning outcomes, learning objectives, and the flow of learning objectives. In addition, he also discussed the thought process of preparing the flow of learning objectives, assessment learning and strengthening the profile of Pancasila students.
After the explanation from the first speaker, the committee invited ice breaking in the form of brain gymnastics for the webinar participants. The most unique participants who follow the brain gymnastics movements will get attractive door prizes. The next speaker was a mathematics practitioner from one of the schools in Temanggung, Yuli Kurniasari, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd. She talked about mathematics learning planning in the merdeka curriculum. She invited webinar participants to understand in more detail the mathematics teaching modules in the merdeka curriculum and dissect the mathematics learning outcomes listed in the Permendikbud in Junior High School (SMP), especially grades 7 to 8.
The enthusiasm of the participants was unstoppable to ask questions, but only six questioners were taken because of the limited time in the question and answer session. Before the event ended, the resource person hoped that the material presented could maximize the role of students and teachers in understanding the curriculum and learning mathematics in accordance with the merdeka curriculum. (MA)
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