Develop a thesis research topic early
“I've taken 6 semesters, but I still have no idea about my final project. What is a good title? Are there any titles left or have they been finished by my seniors? Then, if I get it, what if my research will be the same as my friend's?” Pondering this without finding a solution makes me run out of energy and take my thesis aside.
Saturday, February 18, 2023 Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY held a seminar to answer some of the concerns of undergraduate students, especially those who have reached semester 6. The seminar was conducted online starting at 07:45 until 11:30 WIB. Mrs. Endah Retnowati as the study program coordinator of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY invited 2 other speakers namely Prof. Sugiman and Prof. Jailani. The hope of this seminar is that students get research topics of interest and can help students complete their final project. This seminar is held every Saturday for 3 consecutive times starting on February 18 and ending on March 4, 2023.
The first speaker was Prof. Jailani. Prof. Jailani gave an overview of topics related to the curriculum. He explored the curriculum and gave an overview to students which parts could be researched at the undergraduate level. Learning from existing alumni, Prof. Jailani advised prospective young researchers to take survey research. This is so that the research is not too tied to the class schedule and the research time is very flexible. In addition, he also suggested research related to ethnomathematics ranging from developing learning with a certain cultural base, studying certain cultures that can be used for mathematics learning, to studying certain cultural architectures from a mathematical point of view. His explanation lasted up to 60 minutes and was followed by the second speaker.
The second speaker was the Mathematics Education Study Program Coordinator, Mrs. Endah Retnowati. Mrs. Endah has a research focus on mathematics learning design. She gave an overview of the research groups in mathematics education. The groups consist of curriculum design and mathematics learning, mathematics learning media, mathematics learning psychology, mathematics learning assessment, mathematics education professional development, and mathematics learning innovation. Ms. Endah Retnowati also gave some examples of good thesis titles consisting of research methods, research variables, and research subjects. The lecture with her became more interesting because a few minutes were given for a break in the middle of the lecture. The audience was asked to relax for a moment, drink, stand, and move for 5 minutes. Ms. Endah gave lectures until 10:00.
The seminar was closed with the last speaker from the Head of Master and Doctoral Program of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY, Prof. Sugiman. No less than the previous speaker, Prof. Sugiman discussed interesting topics. He began by describing the theme of mathematics education research in general. There are 10 themes of mathematics education research given. Not enough to provide an overview, he described in detail from each theme to which parts can be researched for students. He also advised students to read a lot of literature. Not just telling, Prof. Sugiman also shared his digital library collection which can be opened only by using UNY's student email.
Students look enthusiastic about attending lectures. This is evidenced by the fact that the number of participants has not decreased since the seminar was opened, but instead the number of participants has increased. Until the end there were 75 students who attended this seminar. The event was closed directly by Mrs. Endah at 11:30 WIB. She again advised and hoped to students before closing the event so that students only need 8 semesters and no more in completing the undergraduate level.
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