Community Service: Training to create HOTS questions for Mathematics Teachers in Middle School in Mathematics working group Kawedanan Gondang Winangun

The ability of mathematical literacy is the ability to understand Mathematics material and use it in solving real life problems. Questions that require higher-order reasoning or thinking skills are a type of HOTS (Higher-order Thinking Skills). HOTS questions are measurement instruments used to measure higher-order thinking abilities, namely thinking abilities that are not merely recalling, restating, or referring without doing processing (recite). However, HOTS-based questions do not mean more difficult questions than recall.
To write HOTS items, the question writer is required to be able to determine the behavior to be measured and formulate material that will be the basis of the question (stimulus) in a particular context in accordance with the expected behavior. In addition, the description of the material to be asked (which requires high reasoning) is not always available in textbooks. Therefore, in writing HOTS questions, mastery of instructional materials is needed, skills in writing questions (problem construction), and teacher creativity in choosing stimulus questions in accordance with the situation and conditions of the area around the education unit.
PPM activities will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, August 28 and 29, 2019 starting at 08.00 WIB until finished at SMP N I Jogonalan Klaten. The team consisted of Dwi Lestari, S.Sc., M.Sc. as chairman, and its members namely Musthofa, S.Sc. M.Sc., Eminugroho Ratna Sari, S.Si, M.Sc, Husna Arifah, S.Sc., M.Sc, Dr. Agus Maman Abadi, M.Sc, Dr. Karyati, S.Sc., M.Sc. The results of the training have given teachers an understanding of the understanding, characteristics and examples of HOTS questions. This is seen from the results of the training that was followed by 52 Mathematics teachers in the MGMP Kawedanan Gondang Winangun Klaten. Based on the evaluation questionnaire, 83.33% of the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the HOTS questioning training activity. Submission of material is also interesting, seen as much as 75% said agree / strongly agree. Not only that, as many as 81.67% of the participants were motivated to make daily junior high school math problems of type HOTS after attending the training. Participants also felt there was a need for further training, that is based on opinions as much as 83.33% agreed / strongly agreed to hold further training.
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