Visiting Professor (VP) is an activity of teaching in class, conducting research and other academic activities as an effort to improve the cooperation between UNY and partners both domestically and abroad. Therefore, the Mathematics Learning Innovation Research Group, Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY conducted domestic VP activities through a Community Service Program (PPM) in the Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Tidar University (Untidar), Magelang.

This PPM activity is also a follow-up to the benchmarking visit of the Mathematics Education Study Program of FKIP Untidar to the Mathematics Education Department of UNY on January 16, 2023. The culmination of this PPM activity was a public seminar/lecture held on June 16, 2023 at the Untidar FKIP Hall with a guest speaker Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A. (team leader). This activity was attended by the Dean of FKIP Untidar, Dr. Ahmad Muhlisin, M.Pd. along with the dean's leadership and Plt. Head of Mathematics and Science Department Aprilia Nurul Chasanah, S.Pd., M.Pd. In addition, the lecturers of the Ethnomathematics course Megita Dwi Pamungkas, M.Pd. and Dita Aldila Krisma, M.Pd. and all students who took the Ethnomathematics course (3 classes) were also present.

This PPM activity began with a discussion with the lecturer teaching the course in March. Furthermore, in May the service team conducted observation activities in the Ethnomathematics class. Finally, through a seminar / public lecture, the PPM team leader presented Reflections and Ethnography of Ethnomathematics-Based Mathematics PBM based on the observation results. Other PPM activities are guest lectures in Algorithm and Programming classes and discussion / assistance of student achievement with the Mathematics Education Student Association (Himatika) of Untidar.

The PPM team members are: Dr. Dra. Mathilda Susanti, M.Si., Drs. M. Fauzan, M.Sc.St., and Heru Sukoco, S.Si., M.Pd. Meanwhile, students who participated and were involved in this PPM activity consisted of mathematics education study program students S1 (Sekar Sari Anggraeni, Amira Azizah), S2 (Lalu Wahyu Rizaldi, Zea Zisman Usman), and S3 (Istiqomah).