Curriculum Review Workshop: Internal, Independent, and Continuous

In an effort to adapt the curriculum to the development and needs of society, the Department of Mathematics Education conducts a series of curriculum monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities that are carried out regularly and continuously. This year, part of the M&E activities is a curriculum review workshop conducted by each study program in the Department of Mathematics Education FMIPA UNY. This workshop discusses the scientific vision of the study program and the review of CPMK-CPL.
The workshop activity was held on Thursday, August 18, 2019 at the Grand Rohan Hotel Yogyakarta which was attended by 45 lecturers in the mathematics education department. This activity was opened by the head of the Mathematics Education Department, Mrs. Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom. and then Mrs. Endah Retnowati, Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the S1 Mathematics Education Study Program as a presenter.
The main discussants of the scientific vision of the S1 Mathematics Education Study Program were Dr. Hartono, M.Si., Dr. Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Marsigit, M.A., Prof. Dr. Jailani, M.Pd., and Dr. Sri Andayani, M.Kom. As a result, the scientific vision of the S1 Mathematics Education study program was agreed upon, namely:
“To become a superior, innovative, and creative mathematics education study program that is sustainable in the study of mathematical didactic science in the psychology-based fields of learner development, authentic assessment, and mathematics learning technology”.
The scientific vision of the Master of Mathematics Education program is:
“In 2025 to become a Master of Mathematics Education Study Program that excels in mathematics learning education and research in Southeast Asia based on the values of piety, independence, and scholarship”
The scientific vision of the S3 Mathematics Education study program is:
“To become a superior, creative, and innovative sustainable study program in the development of mathematics education in the realm of cognitive psychology and digital technology media”
The second activity is to review the CPMK-CPL of the S1 Mathematics Education study program, with the following work steps.
1. Lecturers in groups according to KBK
2. Lecturers prepare RPS that are taught in odd and even semesters
3. Lecturers check the suitability of CPMK-CPL in the RPS
4. Lecturers revise CPMK in RPS (if there are improvements or additions)
5. Lecturers evaluate the content of Industrial Era 4.0 literacy in each RPS
6. Lecturers upload the old RPS and new RPS files
The activities of formulating a scientific vision, reviewing the curriculum and evaluating the RPS are efforts made by study programs to monitor and evaluate curriculum implementation. Activities like this are a form of quality assurance that is implemented internally, independently, and continuously. Thus, the quality of lectures becomes more qualified and good. (HS)
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