Successful Webinar Series #3 with the Theme “Professional Field of Mathematics Educator”

Saturday, July 2, 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY has held Webinar Series #3 with the theme “Professional Fields of Mathematics Educators”. Mrs. Endah Retnowati Ph.D. gave a speech as the opening of this webinar and hoped that this event was an effort to contribute to improving the quality of education in Indonesia. The event was moderated by Dr. Dra. Raden Rosnawati, M.Si which went well and was full of enthusiasm from the participants and speakers.
This time, Webinar Series # 3 presented two speakers. The first speaker was Dr. Drs. Rachmadi Widdiharto, M.A as Director of Primary Education Teachers, Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Ministry of Research and Technology, who on his occasion presented the topic “Professional Policy for Mathematics Teachers in Indonesia”. The second speaker was Dr. Ariyadi Wijaya, S.Pd.Si., M.Sc as a lecturer / researcher in mathematics education UNY, who on his occasion presented the topic “Mathematics Teacher Competence and Future Challenges”.
Lecturers, teachers, and students from various affiliations and regions also enlivened the webinar event which was held virtually through the zoom application and live broadcast on youtube and instagram accounts, namely math_education_uny. FMIPA UNY tirelessly strives to contribute more to education, hopefully with this Webinar Series, lecturers, researchers, teachers, students, and other practitioners can take part in helping to improve education in Indonesia.
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