More and more closely: UPSI Mathematics Education Program - UNY

The Mathematics Education Study Program has long established cooperation with Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. Activities that have been carried out include student exchanges for academic (credit transfer) and non-academic activities (comparative studies), curriculum benchmarking, lecturer exchanges (visiting professors), and organizing conferences. In 2021, the two study programs agreed to expand their cooperation by adding joint-research and community service activities. Both parties agreed to carry out expertise matching, namely grouping lecturers who have expertise in the same field, so that opportunities for joint academic development will increase. Routine cooperation activities such as credit transfer which will be carried out in the spring semester of 2021 not only provide real academic experience for students, but also support the achievement of the government program, namely Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka. Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of this collaboration is carried out regularly so that its sustainability becomes more beneficial for the internationalization of the mathematics education study program.  (Tim-Sy)

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