Lecture Series 6_Introduction to Augmented Reality as a Math Learning Media
Lecture Series 6 is the last series of practitioner lectures held by the Mathematics Education Study Program FMIPA UNY. The practitioner lecture was held on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 13.00 to 15.00 WIB. The topic raised, namely “Introduction to Augmented Reality as a Mathematics Learning Media”. The final activity of the practitioner lecture was successfully carried out by utilizing the zoom application and streaming YouTube, just like the previous lecture series. The lecture series was attended by lecturers, undergraduate students, postgraduate students and mathematics teachers from various levels. The practitioners presented on the occasion, namely Puryanto, S.ST., M.Ds as SEAMOLEC training officer and moderated by Arifta Nurjanah, M.Pd.
The lecture was opened by Mrs. Endah Retnowati Ph.D as the Coordinator of S-1 Mathematics Education Study Program. In the last series of practitioner lectures, she provided motivation and enthusiasm to all participants. Even though it was the last series, the participants were still very enthusiastic about participating in the lecture as evidenced by the number of participants who actively answered the speaker's questions through the www.menti.com page that had been prepared by the speaker. The speaker's presentation was very interesting because it was delivered coherently, starting from an introduction to Augmented reality (AR) which began with an explanation of Extended Reality (XR). Furthermore, the speaker delivered an explanation of how to utilize AR for learning media equipped with recommendations for features and platforms that can be utilized in learning. All of these materials are certainly needed by prospective teachers and math education practitioners in the field. Therefore, the hope for the implementation of practitioner courses in the following year is certainly a common goal that will be broadcast by all related parties. (Tim Sy).
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